Thursday, June 22, 2006

Picking a Non-Standard Template

A friend of mine, Josh Stump, just turned me onto a fun repository of blog templates that are very cool. Copy and paste one of these into your blogger template and people will think you hired a professional designer.

You'll love the site, as it also includes a helpful list of hacks and ideas on how to enhance your blog. Enjoy!

Now for instructions on how to implement these templates. There are details on the site, but in general I would recommend copying and pasting your current template into a Word or NotePad document and saving it before changing the template. This way you can always go back if the new one doesn't work out. This is especially true if you have edited one of the standard templates, because who wants to do that work again?

To see an example of another blog that utilizes one of their templates see Creative Outlet Labs.


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